Transport Phenomena Research Group


Transport phenomena of momentum, energy, mass, heat, etc. in fluids are fundamental concenpts of engineering and science, particularly in fluid mechanics. Our group conducts engineering research aimed at gaining a fundamental understanding of various transport phenomena occurring in nature and industry, as well as improving the efficiency of fluid machinery. The target field is not limited in mechanical engineering; it lies from biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, and atmospheric science.
流体中における運動量,エネルギ,熱・物質などの輸送現象は,工学や科学の基本概念です.私たちのグループでは,自然界や産業界で発生する様々な輸送現象の基礎的理解を深め, 流体機器の効率を向上させることを目的とした工学研究を行っています.対象分野は機械工学に限らず,医工学,化学工学,また基礎物理や大気科学など多岐にわたります.

Additionally, we strive to conduct communication within the laboratory in English as much as possible. The aim is surely to improve the English proficiency of Japanese students and to promote communication with international students who do not speak Japanese. However, what is truly expected is that through communication, students can experience cultural diversity and develop a sense of international awareness.
また,研究室内のコミュニケーションはできるだけ英語で行うようにしています.当然この狙いは日本人学生の英語力向上と日本語を母国語としない留学生とのコミュニケーションの促進にありますが, コミュニケーションをすることで文化的多様性に触れ,国際的な感覚を少しでも養ってほしいと考えています.


  • Prof. Ito presented his research at the 2024 JSME annual meeting, Fluids engineering division(2024年度日本機械学会流体工学部門講演会). (2024/11/19)
  • Kosuke Seto (D3) was awarded the best presentation award at the 2024 meeting of the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, Chubu division. Congratulations! (2024/10/25)
  • Hyu Harada (M1) and Kosuke Seto (D3) presented their researches at the 2024 meeting of the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, Chubu division. (2024/10/25)
  • Diksan Muhammad officially joined our group as a PhD candidate. Congratulations and welcome! (2024/10/01)
  • Bhuri Jearanaitanakij successfully graduated from the undergraduate course and became a Master's course student. Congratulations! (2024/10/01).
  • Bhuri Jearanaitanakij (B4) and Huang Xingkun (D1) presented their researches at the 2024 annual meeting of the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics. (2024/09/25)
  • Prof. Ito presented his research at the 2024 JSME annual meeting. (2024/09/09)
  • Prof. Ito gave a lecture for middle/high school students organized by JSME Tokai division.(2024/07/27)
    (日本機械学会東海支部「中高生のための機械科学教室 -風と力のミステリーを解き明かそう!-」)
  • Kosuke Seto (D3) presented his research at the 13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP13) (Montroreal, Canada)(2024/06/25).
  • Kanato Yokoi (M1) presented his research at the 36th JSME bioengineering conference (2024/05/12)
  • Our homepage was renewed.(2024/07)
  • Prospective Students

    Thank you very much for your interestd in our group. We always welcome highly motivated candidates for graduate courses.

    Master's course candidates

    大学院入試前にぜひ本研究室を訪問いただきますようお願いします.また,可能な限り毎年2月下旬から4月上旬に行われる機械航空系の大学院入試説明会にご参加ください. 具体的な日程は専攻ホームページに記載されます.ただしこの場合にも本研究室へ事前にご連絡いただければ幸いです.参加が不可能な場合にもできるだけ個別に対応します.
    We warmly invite you to contact us before applying for the graduate school admission. However, simuntaneously, please try to attend the information sessions for the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering departments, which is held from late February to early April each year, particularly if you're planinng to take the entrance exam in August. If you are an international student and interested in taking the special entrance exam for international students (usually in November) or the one for Automotive engieerning program (usually in Feburuary and the academic year strarts from October), please conact us with your CV any time.

    PhD candidates

    Please feel free to contact us with your CV any time. The entrance exam is held in August and February (only if there are vacancies).


    Prof. Yasumasa Ito (yito -at-
    Office: Room 223, Eng. III building, Higashiyama campus (工学研究科3号館223室,東山キャンパス)