
The 17th Symposium on Fluidization and Particle Processing

(The 17th SCEJ Symposium on Fluidization)


November 21 - 22, 2011, Nagoya, Japan


Organized by Fluidization Research Group, Division of Particle and Fluid Processes,

The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ)


The objective of this symposium is to promote the exchange of operation, economic, and scientific information concerning all aspects of fluidization and powder/particle processing technology. The symposium program will include overviews, presentations of original research and development, and discussions on issues of current interest and research needs. Principal subjects will include:

1. Science of fluidization (fluidization, bubble/solid behavior, heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, powder technology)

2. Functional solids, coating, granulation

3. Energy, environmental protection, biomass conversion processes, and CO2 emission control

4. Chemical reaction processes (catalytic and non-catalytic reactions)

5. Physical processes (drying, separation, thermal treatment, particle adhesion, attrition, solid capture)



Key dates and deadlines

August 26, 2011: Dead line for abstract submission

October 3, 2011: Dead line for manuscript submission (Camera-ready manuscript : )



Abstract requirements

1. Submit title and a 150 - 300 word abstract.

2. For each author, provide the following:

l     Name

l     Affiliation

l     E-mail address

l     Mailing address(street, city, country and postal code)

l     Voice and Fax phone numbers (including country code)

3. Identify the corresponding author and the planned presenter

4. Choose one subject from above categories.

5. Specify the preference of the style of presentation (oral or poster).  (The symposium will be mainly consisted of oral sessions.)




gNoyori Conference Hall, Nagoya Univerityh

For detail, please visit:


http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/global-info/access-map/higashiyama/ (Noyori Conference Hall is No.69)



Send all abstracts to:

Prof. Ichiro Naruse

Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya Univerity

Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

E-mail: naruse@mech.nagoya-u.ac.jp

Phone: +81-52-789-2710

Fax: +81-52-789-5123



Registration fee (early bird)

Member                                                                15,000 Yen

Employee of member company                               15,000 Yen

Students                                                                  5,000 Yen

Non-member                                                         20,000 Yen

(Foreign participants resident outside of Japan are treated as gMemberh.)